Over the years people have asked me, if I you had just a few tips to give someone that is first starting out, what would they be? This is a short list of 5 tips for beginners and 5 tricks for beginners that will help you get a jump start to couponing!

1. On Sunday buy 5 papers.
2. Buy a binder or folder for organization.
3. Join WeUseCoupons.com’s Coupon Forum
4. Obtain your weekly shopping circulars.
5. Get to know your store policies and carry them with your when shopping.

6. Be prepared to spend time planning out deals, and in line at the grocery store.
7. Make two shopping lists every week, one for essentials (matching coupons) one for almost free or free items.
8. Learn to do price comparison between stores.
9. Avoid impulse buying.